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Quantock School History: Parliamentary Records

Commons Written Answers

This reference section contains the verbatim transcripts of all the parliamentary debates that concerned Quantock School as recorded in the Hansard ('The Official Report'). All extracts are unexpurgated, and where necessary have been accompanied by [italicised editorial comments in square brackets].

All of the debates listed took place between 11 December 1995 and 12 March 1997, and provide a documentary overview of the process initiated in Parliament by the then Labour Party MP for the constituency of Plymouth Devonport, David Jamieson - which led to the Ofsted Report of November 1996 and one of the major catalysts for subsequent collapse and closure of the Quantock School in 1998.

At the time of these debates the Labour Party were still in opposition; the then Conservative Party government representatives involved in these particular debates were:

  • Minister of State for the Armed Forces, Mr. Nicholas Soames;
  • Parliamentary Under Secretary of State at the Department for Education and Employment, Mrs. Cheryl Gillan;
  • Minister of State at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Mr. Jeremy Hanley.

Any nts on this section, and the related passages covered in the History section - particularly from those who may be able to offer any further information on the issued covered - are welcome.

The resource used was the Hansard online: